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The Growth Mindset VS The Fixed Mindset

Each individual has his own understanding and perspective, and each one has his own talents and intelligence, some people are more intelligent than others in certain aspects of life, and some are more tanlented and intelligent in general, you can’t change that. But they were born that way, and that doesn’t mean that you are less of a human being. Intelligent people are more expected to do better, and they can be the way to inspire and help others.

As we emphasized in the paragraph above, each indivisual has his own talents and intelligence, but whataever it was that you have, you have to do the best you can in you ability. and in my opinion, that’s a responsibility that we all have to take.

With a fixed mindset, you will try your best to avoid challenges, you will lose focus whenever you face an obstacle, you will ignore any criticism you get from any colleague or even from someone higher than you. And after all that, you will see successful and smarter people as foes. You won’t feel confortable witnessing their achievements. So what do you expect is the outcome from such a mindset? Well, you won’t make any progress and you will definately over-procrastinate.

On the other hand, with a growth mindset, youu will embrace challenges, persist when you face obstacles, and you will put all the effort you have to make progress and achieve your goals, and whenever you get a criticism, you will be patient and try to learn from it, becuase you know that this is the only way to grow and achieve higher. Doing all that, you will start to look at other people in a different way, more successful and smarter people will be your inspiration, and they might be the help that you needed to embrace your talents and effort. Everyone can compete, for the sake of getting the best results in our ability, not just to make ranks and get the praise of others.

As much as you grow your mindset, you will for sure have better results. And that is the best thing you can do in your position.


Loses focus facing OBSTACLES Persists when facing OBSTACLES
Views EFFORT as fruitlest No pain, no gain
Views the SUCCESS OF OTHERS as a threat Views the SUCCESS OF OTHERS as inspiration

You can read more about the growth mindset on a blog that was published by STEVE HAFFENDEN, NOVEMBER 12, 2015, IN INSIDE ATLASSIAN. Here is the link to that Growth Mentality.

He even said in his blog and i quote:

especially in our work. When we’re growing, we’re more productive. And when I’m productive, I feel better. And you can, too.

concluded by Anas Al-Ramahi About me.

Stay Motivated